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Writer's pictureDanni Roan

Washington's Writing Wash

Rolling into Washington State felt like coming home. We were tired and road weary, and happy to find our way to the Tululip Casino where we could stay for free in their very nice

parking area. While there we even treated ourselves to a delicious buffet dinner to make up for the short meals on the trek through Canada. Our three days at this casino gave us a good chance to rest even if our brains were still a little fried.

It is important to take the time to stop and regroup sometimes when you are on the road and this was a great spot for us to do just that. It was extra fun as we met a couple from Canada and could talk about our various experiences on the Al-Can highway. We also had a wonderful visit with family which made this stop even more wonderful.

From the parking lot we moved on to the Olympic National Forest where we found a fantastic boondocking spot. We spent most of our first week there just kicked back and sometimes running around to see the area. We did have to take one day out though and head to a camp ground to fill our water and get laundry done. We found the Bear Creek campground and Hungry Bear Restaurant which was a great bargain. The campground has no amenities but for $25.00 per night it was a great place to plug in and get things done.

Maintenance was another thing on the list of things to do and the everyday-hero changed out a belt tension-er on the rig. Amidst the verdant greens of the temperate rain forest we

managed some lovely walks, a good deal of writing, and time with old friends. It was a great break to be stationary for a couple of weeks and finding our way around a specific area. Even though we had stopped we did keep moving and made our way to Victoria Canada to visit with other wonderful friends. We had our own personal tour of the place from fellow author Jacqui Nelson. If you ever get a chance to visit the city I would recommend it.

The city was full of history and amazing flowers and gardens. It was a lovely place to explore and put some extra miles on our hiking boots. It was also a bright sunny day and we soaked up the sun. when one parks in a rain forest one must expect to get wet. It really has been gray and wet in Washington and though it is much easier to cool an RV I might not have complained about a bit more sun and warmth.

We also managed to do a tour of some of the coastal areas of the North West Washington area. I have never been to the Pacific Ocean in all of my years and to have that moment to put my feet in the icy tide was truly memorable. I love this country and am astounding at the beauty, splendor, and wonder of it. Not only has the landscape of the Unites States amazed

me I have also been struck by the kindness, and friendliness of most people we have met as we roll. When it was time to move from the Olympic National Forest to the Margaret McKenny Discovery Park near Olympia we had to stop to top up a tire that has a slow leak on the rig. We pulled into a parking lot and pulled out the air hose only to have an former

Floridian stop to see if he could assist. This is not an uncommon occurrence. Almost every time we have stopped in an unusual area, or look like we might need help someone stopped to check on us. I believe that it is important to take people at face value in this world. if we begin to put people into boxes, or making assumptions about them based on where they live, how they look, or who they know, we are limiting our ability to grow and learn. Always be safe but try to be kind.

Washington, like other states, has a wildlife pass that can be purchased at various shops; usually Walmart. These passes, called a Discovery Pass in Washington cost somewhere around thirty dollars and allow you to stay in different state or wildlife areas throughout the

state. There are many of these parks in Washington and we rolled into the Margret McKenny Campground on a Sunday finding a lovely spot to stay for the week. We are allowed seven days per campground in a 365 day year. There are pit toilets, and non potable water available here but no dump station or electricity. This park does, however, have a specific area for horse campers with small box stall like corrals. As the weekend approaches these are filling up.

From this space we have done a good deal of 'toad' driving, taking the Jeep and heading first to Mt. Saint Helens and then to Mt. Ranier. The former gave us a spectacular view on a beautiful sunny day but the latter chose to remain shrouded in cloud cover. Still the drive, the road, and the scenery, were astounding. There is a great deal of history on Mt. Ranier and I would recommend checking it out if you ever get the chance. Even if the 14,000 ft mountain is hidden behind a veil of fog it is still beautiful.

Our visit to Washington has been filled with site seeing and service, visiting and resting and a chance to recharge after the Alaskan trek. It has given us a chance to reset out travel timings and clean up after weeks of travel. I have been able to rest my brain and even get a couple of books ready one of them going live this week. Life on the road is always a balancing act. Sometimes you move fast other times you settle in and get caught up on life.

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