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Writer's pictureDanni Roan

The Ups and Downs of Rolling and Writing

When we started this journey we knew that there would be good days and bad days. We

Road from Talkeetna. Denali background

were sure that there would be ups and downs, highs and lows, and just challenges. As we trundled into Canada those ups and downs became quite literal. Approaching the mountains and the sometimes less than stellar roads of the Alaskan Canadian Highway we really didn't know how our, new to us, RV would handle. It is always a little scary when you are driving a big rig through mountain passes and don't knew what true normal is for the engine, brakes, and structure of the machine. It wasn't fast rolling up and down those slopes but the big rid did just fine. As we drove and the hubby kept an eye on all of the gauges, fluids, and fuel consumption, I just reminded myself that the big rigs (eighteen wheelers) do this all the time. We have a 400 diesel Cummings engine in the RV so it had just about enough power to roll smoothly up and then down.

There were many reasons that we started this long trek around the United States last summer and one of them was to see our country while we are still able. After years of working overseas we longed to know what our own country had to offer but the reasons went deeper than that. Life is not always what we see and deep hurts, hard times, and great losses often leave a body heart sore and weary. As a child I would ride into the deep green forest of my Pennsylvania home and refresh my spirit in the peace and serenity of nature. After nearly two years of painful good-byes I needed somewhere that I could recharge, regroup, and realign my hope in tomorrow. The wilderness gives rise to deep thoughts, a sense of smallness in the larger scheme of things, and a chance to rest ones spirit. Although there are days when all I do is miss those that are not with me I know that I am doing what others have always wanted to do. This doesn't mean that it is always easy and though the stillness of nature is a healing balm to a weary spirit. Only God can heal a broken soul. Still the wonder of this world never ceases to amaze me and we have been provided some astounding shots of the wilderness and its creatures. Like these Dall Sheep that wandered over the hill to look at us.

Dall Sheep Denali National Park

Chalitna River Alaska

There are still everyday issues that need to be attended to as we roll along the highways of this nation. Our daily life still requires the same chores, expenses and the same needs as anyone else. Cooking is a new experience as we balance the use of the convection microwave with the capacity of our batteries and the amount of sunlight we have to recharge them. Here in Alaska with nearly twenty-four hours of daylight you would think it wouldn't be a problem but since today it is raining we'll have to see where we land. Along with daily life I still work. This journey is not simply a destination trip, or a vacation it is a lifestyle and with that comes expenses. As an Individually (Indie) Published Author I set my own schedule for writing. Or at least you would think I do. There is so much to do when you self publish it boggles the brain. Every week there seems to be something new to learn, some change to the way things are done, or simply loads of work, networking, advertising, organizing, planning; well you get the idea. This week we spent three days in Denali National Park with no cell service or wifi. When we came out and got a signal my phone blew up with over one hundred messages related to on going writing projects. Just to keep numbers up I'm working hard to release two books per month and if you don't think that is work you my want to rethink your definition.

My most recent book, The Marvelous Mustanger released on May 16th and I already I have another book with the editor and yet another one half done. I also have four more group projects for this year and several of my own series books to write. It's not always easy keeping up but is it worth it?

For me, Yes. I am beginning to understand more about my own country and learn about our rich history and amazing resources. I'm growing as an individual, and looking forward to what comes next. Some days I still get down and I always miss the ones I love who aren't with me but for now this journey is where I'm meant to be. We aren't promised tomorrow but today we'll take as it comes.

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